Last week were learning how to write a metaphor. We compared our family with a box of chocolate. It was really fun learning how to write metaphors Last week. Here is mine.
The box of chocolate
My family lives in a shiny dark purple and most wanted to be brought box of chocolate…………..
My brother Zlynd is a sticky caramel chocolate that is soft centered in the middle, but on the outside he is chunky and strong. My brother Te tau is the tender chocolate, his hands are always doing hard work . My sister Dijontae is the raspberry chocolate that is sweet with a red on the inside and and brown on the outside, she is kind and ferocious. Angel is a hard top deck chocolate that is solid and sensitive. Daniel is a lumpy bumpy snickers that is always energetic and admirable. Edekai is a crumbly flake that is soft and cheeky. Ru is a light bumpy snickers that is gentle and small. William is a bubbly chocolate with light green eyes, and he is chubby cheeky and soft centered. Lastly I’m the box that holds the brotherly sisterly bond together.
Hi Alesia my name is Kaya and I go to tautoro school I like that you comperd your family to chocolate hahaha.